UPDATE – Dec 1, 2018 – I’ve Finally installed Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on the Asus ZenBook UX501VW
First off, let me first say, what a nightmare this was. After the relative ease of installing Ubuntu 15.10 on the ZenBook I was more than a bit disappointed with how difficult it was installing Ubuntu 16.04.
The stock Ubuntu 16.04 spin would boot from a thumb drive without a problem. Whether or not I got a mouse pointer was another story all together. And just forget about a reliable WiFi connection to download updates. Didn’t happen. This is better than the Gnome spin, which wouldn’t even boot. The boot splash screen would start spinning then freeze.
In the last few days, I’ve tried reinstalling about half a dozen times or so, each of them with various problems that were just not acceptable. Between flaky WiFi or the fans on full blast constantly, I’ve been more than a bit frustrated and extremely disappointed. Since 15.10 is EOL in three months and this is the LTS release that will be used for the next two years, I have to push forward.
Here’s how I managed to get things working.
Always remember, back up your data before doing installs!
First, I installed Ubuntu 15.10. I connected the ethernet dongle for my network connection so I wouldn’t have to mess around with WiFi. I should note, though, that my WiFi was solid on 15.10, so if you don’t have an ethernet dongle, WiFi should still work fine. This was a fresh install and I installed no other packages other than the base installation. There will be time to do that after getting to 16.04.
After booting into 15.10, the first thing I did was start the software updater, and get the latest packages. Remember to open the console window and keep hitting enter for the password on all the cryptswap prompts due to the systemd bug. Reboot.
After logging back in, I started the Software Updater again. It informed me that 16.04 LTS is available now, so I selected “Upgrade”. This will take a while, and you have to hit enter on the cryptswap prompt more times than I care to think about. Disabling swap before you start will help to not wear out the enter key. This can be done by opening a terminal and entering:
1 |
sudo swapoff -a |
After the upgrade is complete, you might be able to reboot and login successfully. Sadly, that didn’t work for me. The only way I could actually boot to a login screen was to use the “Advanced Options for Ubuntu” from the Grub menu and then select the 4.2 kernel from the Ubuntu 15.10 installation, which was still there.
After booting with the 4.2 kernel, I logged in and opened up a terminal window and downloaded and installed the 4.3.5 kernel that I used before when installing 15.10:
1 2 3 4 |
wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.3.5-wily/linux-headers-4.3.5-040305-generic_4.3.5-040305.201601311533_amd64.deb wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.3.5-wily/linux-headers-4.3.5-040305_4.3.5-040305.201601311533_all.deb wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.3.5-wily/linux-image-4.3.5-040305-generic_4.3.5-040305.201601311533_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-4.3.5*deb linux-image-4.3.5*deb |
I then removed the 4.4 kernel using the following:
1 |
sudo apt-get remove linux-image-4.4.0-21* linux-headers-4.4.0* |
I then rebooted and the default image is now 4.3.5, which boots fine. The cryptswap bug is still present, and I know that, at least for now, I can’t accept kernel updates, but WiFi is reliable again, my fan isn’t screaming at me, and everything seems to work. When updates are available, do not use the Software Updater. Update from the command line using:
1 |
sudo apt-get upgrade |
This will omit kernel updates by default. The GUI based updater will update kernels, and may prevent you from logging in. Hopefully a fixed kernel will be in the next point release.
Next up, I installed Gnome
1 |
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop |
When installing this it will ask whether or not you want to use gdm, which I opted to do as I like the way it looks. I chose to reboot after this, but a logout should suffice, you can then choose Gnome as the session and things should be working pretty reliably now.
There is now also a somewhat reliable fix for the cryptswap bug too, according to this post the answer is to set the no-auto flag on the partition. For my dual boot setup, the partition is on /dev/nvme0n1p6, so I used:
1 |
sudo sfdisk --part-attrs /dev/nvme0n1 6 "63" |
Rebooted, and no longer got a prompt for a cryptswap password.
I hope this post will help others who encountered the same frustrations that I had trying to get Ubuntu 16.04 on the ZenBook UX501VW. It really is a nice laptop, and now that I’ve got a working Ubuntu LTS release on it, I’m sure it will serve me well for the next few years.
Thanks for sharing! Great post.
I’am a french linux user and i got the same problem with 4.4 kernel.
I’have install 4.6 rc4 and it is stable with ubuntu gnome 16.04lts.
But the nvidia module do not want to compil.
I’am waiting for an official kernel that not goes wrong with the ux501vw.
Thank you for your post.
A+ stef.
I hope the fixes get ported to the 4.4 kernels. Since this is an LTS release, I wouldn’t expect to see an official 4.6 kernel make it into the main PPA’s.
One of the reasons I purchased the ZenBook was the discreet Nvidia graphics, sadly I’ve not been able to get them to work at all yet. Luckily for me, the integrated Intel graphics are enough for most things I do, so I gave up on getting the Nvidia drivers working.
Thank you for this very timely post… saved me quite a bit of grief on a new Ubuntu Gnome install last night. 🙂 Interestingly, I was *occasionally* (maybe 1 try out of 10) able to boot successfully from the flash drive… only discovered that out because I initially thought my drive was failing, and setup another.
For what it’s worth, I opened a bug for this issue in Launchpad.
I’m glad I was able to help. As kalexyco mentioned, it seems to be fixed in kernel 4.6rc4 as well, so something got broken badly with either Canonical’s patches or in Kernel 4.4 itself. It also stands to reason that it can’t be just impacting those of us with Asus laptops.
I’ll start watching that bug, too. Thanks for reporting it.
I had missed kalexyco’s comment about 4.6rc4. I’ll go ahead and try the latest revision (looks like rc5 is there now) tonight, and update the bug with the results.
Well, the 4.6-rc5 kernel image still exhibits the issue. 🙁
Hi there,
updated to uname -r 4.4.0-22-generic from fresh 15.10 (updated); advanced boot with safe graphics, login,
lshw shows neither Intel nor Nvidia screens are working (fans were sane), in System Settings set nvidia binary drivers 361 on. Vualia.
glxgears: 63256 frames in 5.0 seconds = 12651.195 FPS.
sensors: temp1: +74.0°C (crit = +103.0°C).
WiFi is working, touchpad with two fingers scrolling, no kworker bug.
uptime ~1h, so far so good
I am on 16.04 lts
I have installed “Linux version 4.3.5-040305-generic”
I have installed nvidia-364 from “http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu xenial InRelease”
glxgears = Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be
approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
18159 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3631.688 FPS
18561 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3712.066 FPS
14851 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2970.189 FPS
18065 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3612.962 FPS
World of Padman : 642 fps in fhd and 277 fps in 4k
I will try another benchmarks asap.
See you soon.
If you want to boot kernel version 4.4 and over, you’ll need to resolve it by adding
and then runningsudo update-initramfs -u
.Unfortunately, mine still hung on all 5 out of 5 attempts to boot the linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic kernel after adding the nvme module (and running “sudo update-initramfs -u”). If anything, it actually appeared to stop slightly earlier in the process… only 1 attempt made it to the prompt for my filesystem decryption key, where in the past it had always hung shortly the key was provided.
At this point, the linux-image-4.3.6-040306-generic kernel seems to be the most reliable option. I was getting occasional (possibly coincidental) wifi stalls under 4.3.5, which don’t seem to occur with 4.3.6. Haven’t had any success with newer kernels, however, unless booting with the “acpi=off” parameter (which has undesirable side effects).
Just noticed that there was a 4.6-rc6 build at , so I decided to repeat the test (with the nvme addition). It unfortunately exhibits the same behaviour as the stock 4.4.0 kernel… namely that the vast majority of boot attempts hang shortly after entering the filesystem decryption password. Occasionally one will succeed for no discernible reason, and about 30 seconds later the fan starts running at full speed (which continues until the device is powered down).
On a semi-related note, the Ubuntu bug (#1575437) was recently tagged as Critical. So… progress?
Sorry, I forgot to add, also try adding
modprobe.blacklist=nouveau i915.preliminary_hw_support
as boot argumentsEDIT: — don’t approve this comment, I meant
—None of those setting makes my UX501VW boot reliably with a 4.4 or later kernel, unfortunately. It simply hangs at least 90% of the time.
Also, to get the brightness keys working, add
acpi_osi= acpi_backlight=native
.I also had a problem with wifi during installation of Ubuntu 16.04 – on more than one computer.
I purchased a TP-LINK N300 Wireless Mini USB Adapter from Amazon for $14.96.
Once the computer is booted up from one usb drive I install the usb wifi in another usb port.
After Ubuntu is installed and the software is updated I can use the wifi in the computer.
Hi guys,
dont even try fresh installs of 16.04!
after ~2 weeks of playing with installation now on stable ubuntu 16.04 4.4.0-22-generic through system settings > upgrade from updated 15.10. No luck with gdm, only lightdm is working. Nvidia prop binary drivers are on, only issues with headset – white noise.
100.0% Device Audio codec alsa:hwC0D0: auto (Realtek)
Firefox is trying to hang the system from time to time, softened by setting “browser.disk.cache.enabled” to “False” in about:config and “browser.memory.cache.capacity” to “4000000”.
have tested 4.5.3-040503-generic – stable Nvidia is on, headset is not fixed
have tested 4.6.0-040600rc7-generic – Nvidia is off, stable Iintel, headset still not fixed. This is my current option when “on the go” which gives infinite battery life.
“browser.disk.cache.enabled” to “False” in about:config and “browser.memory.cache.capacity”
shoud read
“browser.cache.disk.enabled” to “False” in about:config and “browser.cache.memory.capacity”
Hi there,
white noise issue finally fixed in kernel version 4.6.0-994-generic!
By “white noise”, are you referring to screen flickering, the runaway fan, or something else? Regardless, I’ll probably give it a try tonight.
I’m assuming this is the specific kernel you’re referring to:
For what it’s worth, the 4.6 kernel from seems to work great in conjunction with the “nouveau.modeset=0” kernel boot option. I’ve rebooted half a dozen or so times, and have yet to encounter a hang or runaway fan with this combination, or any noticeable loss of functionality. Appears to be rock solid. 🙂
For the time being, I’ve made this a default boot option by adding it to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT entry in “/etc/default/grub”.
$ grep nouveau /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”nouveau.modeset=0 quiet splash”
Once in place, you just need to run “sudo update-grub” and it should be applied automatically (unless specifically overridden from the Grub boot menu).
Even without the added parameter, that kernel seems to boot up without hanging MUCH more frequently than the earlier releases I’ve tested (although it does still hang the majority of the time). So I think things are slowly moving in the right direction overall.
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I succeeded in installing 16.04 and I’m now running 4.6.2-040602-generic but I have two major issues that prevent me using this laptop I bought 6 weeks ago…
– the touchpad does not recognize more than one finger, so no scrolling
– suspend (let alone hibernate) turns the screen t dark then freeze
Have you been able to made these work ?
I have not yet tried any kernel past 4.3.5. That seems to be the only 4.x series kernel that has been stable at all on the laptop. Several other people have reported success with the 4.6.x series, but things seem to keep breaking for them.
For me, running Gnome with kernel 4.3.5 has been incredibly stable. The only thing I don’t have is access to the Nvidia card, but I can live without that.
Two finger scrolling (both horizontal and vertical) and suspend work perfectly for me with this kernel. I have been maintaining latest versions of everything but the kernel and have no other complaints with this laptop aside from access to the Nvidia card.
Unless you require access to the Nvidia, I would suggest installing kernel 4.3.5. I hope you get it sorted out.
I installed 4.3.6 then 4.3.5 but I have a black screen instead of the login prompt although I can hear the “welcome sound”. What a pain in the … I cannot believe that there is so many problems with this laptop. I have a N550JV and I didn’t have any big issue with 14.04.
Sounds like you’re running Unity if you’ve got the “welcome sound”, which I tested very briefly. For me it didn’t do the HiDPI settings well enough, well that, and the fact that I’m not a big fan of Unity.
Have you installed any of the Optimus tools for the Nvidia card, or is your installation just using the default packages?
I should also mention that my Grub command line is set to: “i915.preliminary_hw_support=1 quiet splash” in /etc/default/grub. If you haven’t tried that with 4.3.5, you might want to.
Thank you for your time. I don’t have a 4K variant but only FullHD (UX501VW-FY102T).
1) I haven’t installed any more package than the default install has, should I ?
2) I tried “i915.preliminary_hw_support=1” but still no luck… then I googled this parameter and found on the Intel website : “For linux kernels older than 4.3.x, i915.preliminary_hw_support=1 must be added to your boot parameters for the driver to work on the new Intel Skylake (6th gen.) GPUs. On a fully updated system running kernel 4.3.x and up, this step is unneccesary.” So this shouldn’t be necessary.
With the latest nvidia-367 driver and the 4.6.3 kernel, suspend and even hibernate work! I can even switch between the Intel and the NVidia chips! But the screen is still black with any 4.3.x and the touchpad is not even recognized with any 4.4.x… So now I have to make the touchpad work, but I don’t even now which brand it is:
I: Bus=0018 Vendor=0b05 Product=0101 Version=0100
N: Name=”FTE1001:00 0B05:0101″
P: Phys=i2c-FTE1001:00
S: Sysfs=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:15.1/i2c_designware.1/i2c-7/i2c-FTE1001:00/0018:0B05:0101.0001/input/input12
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=mouse0 event12
B: EV=17
B: KEY=30000 0 0 0 0
B: REL=103
B: MSC=10
Thats excellent news on the kernel. I may have to try it out if I get time this week.
As for the touchpad, its an Elan touchpad. From what I see, your hardware profile is exactly the same as mine, so it *should* be working. I’m not sure why it is not.
I think I have an hardware problem with my audio in/out jack :((( Even with Windows 10 (dual boot) my headphones are not working, they are not even recognized : the sound is played by the internal speakers. I’ve contacted Asus, done some driver and firmware updates and ended up by requesting a repair. But before sending my laptop, can you please confirm something for me? When I plug my headphones in the 3.5mm jack I don’t hear a little “click” sound as with all the laptops I know, and I have the feeling that I have to “force” the plug (very little but still). Have you the same behavior? Thanks
It was a hardware problem. I sent it to Asus support and know it’s working. PITA
Hmm, I’m using arch linux with 4.6.3 kernel, but touchpad only works for basic functionality, no scrolling, palm detection etc. FTE1001:00 0B05:0101 is the device in xinput list, but synclient reports no driver loaded. Any thoughts? I’m using gnome with wayland, installed libinput & xf86-synaptics packages (though I suppose the latter is only for Xorg?).
Regarding touchpad issue on ux501vw, following the bug report on the kernel.
What about battery life? This laptops seems really good except for the non-removable battery 🙁
It’s actually been really good for me. I get about 5 hours on a charge with moderate CPU usage. I can stretch it to 6 if I’m just doing light surfing. A bit less if I’m coding.
Battery is good on mine after installing Nividia 367 drivers. I’ve set the display on Intel and get easily 6 hours.
Thanks for documenting this. I bought this ux501vw 6 months ago explicitly to be my daily-driver linux machine. I wiped Windows off of it as soon as I got it. 🙂
That said, I run Mint which is based on Ubuntu so my experiences are somewhat similar. I haven’t had a hanging boot issue though. Just to offer my successes to this post, I’m currently running Linux Mint 18 (based on Ubuntu 16.04) with full-disk-encryption (including /boot). I get one prompt for a password and everything (including SWAP) is decrypted from there, no multiple password prompts. I use BTRFS for the filesystem with appropriate subvolumes so that I can do full system rollbacks (thanks to Copy-On-Write capabilities of BTRFS) once I get snapper setup. I’ve since upgraded to kernel v4.7 and nVidia driver 367. Everything seems to be running really well with the exception of some hardware keys (screen brightness for one…but i saw a comment above that may fix that) and the SD CARD reader. Can you confirm that is still an issue with yours as well? I do use SD CARDS so it’s a bit of an issue for me and it hasn’t once worked on this machine. I’d be interested if anyone has found a way to make it work.
I need to do a full write up on the install process as it is NOT trivial. I took copious notes, just need to clean them up and post them somewhere. Anyways, it’s a nice little machine if you’re willing to put in some work to get everything the way you want it.
Okay, the brightness keys are working now thanks to LiraNuna. My /etc/default/grub file contains the following line to get them to work:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash acpi_osi= acpi_backlight=native”
So now it’s just the SD Card reader that isn’t working now. Almost have this thing dialed in. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I looked at cinnamon and Mint but like Gnome just a bit better. HiDPI worked the best under Cinnamon too.
Yes, my SD card reader is my last thing that isn’t working. I’m hoping for a fix but use an external for now.
Josh, I’ve been trying to get the same configuration working, with no luck. Did you disable UEFI Secure Boot? Have you had an opportunity to clean-up your notes and post them online? I, for one, would really appreciate that!
I’m using kernel 4.7 and I can move the cursor with the touchpad and click, but the configuration is horrible. Also multitouch is not recognized. Could someone whose touchpad is working perfectly post their synaptics configuration file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf ? I’m trying to configure mine, but it’s not working at all.
Okay, apparently the touchpad is not recognized as one. “xinput list” lists the touchpad as “FTE1001:00 0B05:0101”, and typing “xinput lists-props” for the device shows that it’s driven by evdev, not synaptics. I’m sure it’s the touchpad because disabling the device disables the touchpad. Im on 4.7 (non rc). I read somewhere that Kernels above 4.3 should recognize the pad, so I’m unsure what to do.
If someone knows how to do this, I’m really interested too…
I’m still using my old N550 because my (not so) brand new ZenBook is too unstable yet. I’m a long time user of Linux and Ubuntu since 12.04, and I can’t bear Windows anymore, but what a shame this laptop is not perfectly supported 6 months after its release ! And I should add that Ubuntu 16.04 is more unstable than 14.04 on my old N550… WTF really?
What are your issues? I’m running Mint18 (based on Ubuntu 16.04) with kernel version 4.4 and everything works except the SD Card reader. Multitouch, wifi, audio, brightness hotkeys, touchscreen, etc. All works fine.
What exact version of the kernel are you running? Have you the same touchpad model (listed as FTE1001:00 0B05:0101) because we don’t have the same model (no touchscreen)?
My kernel is 4.3.5-040305-generic. It does appear that we are running different touchpads.
Mine is listed as an Elan Touchpad – 0143:1080. Not sure who the manufacturer of yours is.
Same issue here with the touchpad, running 4.7.2-1-ARCH, but it’s not recognized, same identifier in xinput-list as you.
Does someone know where and how to open an issue for the missing support of this touchpad ? Thanks
I’ve submitted a bug on launchpad for the FTE1001:00 0B05:0101 being recognized as mouse: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1620811
Hi, i just bought this notebook at the US before coming to my country and it is being impossible to run ubuntu properly well on it.
I just followed all your steps, even i just tried the 4.3.5 kernel with ubuntu 15.10 release but when i am going to log in i just don’t see anything, only a black screen so i cant do anything. I can use the SO with the 4.2 kernel but it doesn’t work really well. What bios version are you using ??? i updated the machine to the last one (300)
Thanks a lot!
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having problems. That is very strange and a symptom I’ve not heard anyone experience before.
My BIOS is 2.17.1249. With everyone else’s horror stories on this laptop, I’ve not updated anything other than core applications. I’ve left my BIOS where it is and my kernel where it is. It has still been performing perfectly for me with the exception of the card reader.
Hi! in the drivers page of asus i only see 3 versions, 300, 207 and 206 … https://www.asus.com/us/support/Download/3/770/0/2/cp7UN9BtMU7UNPWc/45/
How do you checked your bios version ? from the bios itself mine says 300 …
When you installed the 15.10 did you made some changes for the video drivers ??? what config are you using at “additional drivers”
Thanks a lot!
From the BIOS settings page it is listed at the bottom of the screen.
I made no changes at all to the drivers, and I’m not using any additional drivers.
I did attempt at one time to get the Optimus configuration going, but gave up. The built in Intel drivers are good enough for my needs as I’m not playing any games or doing any heavy 3D work.
For the most part, with the kernel I’m running, everything Just Works. The sole exception being the SD card reader.
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So I have exactly the same model of Asus zenbook pro ux501vw, and I have been having a terrible time trying to install ubuntu 16.04. I followed your guide exactly, and here’s how things played out:
Originally the 15.10 installation did not have a working touchpad, ran the update, rebooted, ran the upgrade, now the touchpad was working, but the fan was on high again. So I continued with the guide, the kernel the updater installed was linux-image-4.4.0-38, I installed the wily kernel as instructed above v4.3.5-wily, then when I rebooted, I get a black screen and I can hear the bootup chime, but completely black screen. Any suggestions would be appreciated before I’m forced to send this machine back to find another working one.
I use the 4.7.3 kernel and it’s somewhat working (no multitouch tough). Download it from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?C=N;O=D. But this laptop is really a PITA with Linux.
I found an easy way to solve the problem because i was having similar problems.
Download the last version of ubuntu 16.04, install it, you are going to have some issues with the fan and maybe the touchpad, so you will need an usb mouse.
Finish the installation, reboot, you will still have the same issues because of the kernel, so you have to update it, open the terminal and execute:
wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.6-yakkety/linux-headers-4.6.0-040600-generic_4.6.0-040600.201606100558_amd64.deb
wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.6-yakkety/linux-image-4.6.0-040600-generic_4.6.0-040600.201606100558_amd64.deb
wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.6-yakkety/linux-headers-4.6.0-040600_4.6.0-040600.201606100558_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i linux*.deb
Those lines are going to download and install the 4.6 kernel that it is working fine (except for the sd card).
Reboot, go to additional drivers. and select NVIDIA binary driver, DON’T USE X.ORG, and in the last option choose “don’t use the device”
Reboot again and you should be fine.
If you still have problems reboot one more time.
Best Regards!
So I’ve actually downloaded and installed the latest daily beta of ubuntu gnome 16.10 which comes with kernel 4.8, and originally upon boot, after login the screen would just freeze. I managed to (before logging in) switch to a terminal (ctrl-alt-F2) and run the install for nvidia-367 — (sudo apt-get install nvidia-367) … now I can finally login, without screaming fan, but I lost the use of my touchpad. I tried installing the 4.6 kernel as instructed above, but it wouldn’t boot and gave me a device descriptor error for usb devices. So right now I’m running kernel 4.8 that came with ubuntu gnome 16.10, without a touchpad, I have yet to plug in an external mouse, but that’s my next step I think, until someone posts a workaround for the touchpad. During the installer, the touchpad was working with multitouch. Thank you for all of your suggestions…
To fix the touchpad, if you switch to another terminal and switch back you get the touchpad functionality back again. This is a bit buggy, but at least it’s a workaround for right now. I think I can actually start using my new laptop!
Thank you Nicolas! Your steps with the 4.6 kernel worked perfectly for me! 🙂
I still have the same issue trying to boot with 16.10 … My fans are running full speed and I’ve been playing with all kernels (right now I think I have 4.8rc1), Nvidia drivers on and off, gnome, unity, and every patch or possible solution find on the internet … Still nothing. Before starting from scratch (as I told you, I don’t even know what I have/tried) I’m giving it a chance to upgrade from 16.04 to 16.10 … I’ll keep you posted (if i don’t finish super tired and forget about this computer for 3 weeks again)
Hi there,
So my final working configuration was install 16.10 (I used Ubuntu-gnome), you won’t be able to boot directly into it as the graphics drivers aren’t working with nouveau. So before entering password, ctrl-alt-f1 or f3 to get to a terminal. Then install nvidia-367 with sudo apt-get install nvidia-367, then reboot twice and login as normal. With 16.10 fans shouldn’t be on high with new kernel 4.8, touchscreen works, sdcard doesn’t work, and upon suspend resume I get headphone white noise. Headphone noise isn’t there on fresh boot. Other than that, everything is good! Let me know if I can help further!
Ok … this is my story … everything is working now … I had the idea that dist-upgrade would update to 16.10 … but it didn’t. After reboot no fans working full speed … tried with 4.4, 4.7 and Im going to try with 4.8 now. Im using Intel graphics (never worked with nvidia and I dont even need it. If I try it someday I’ll let you know … but I need this computer to work, my old computer sucks and dies on me every now and then).
Touchpad works, touchscreen too, no fans at full speed, ansd everything seems to be fine. Please let me know if you need to know anything about my setup.
Ok, something not so funny just happened. I logged in with kernel 4.8.0 and everything worked fine. I fooled around for 10 minutes and everything seemed to OK. restarted and everything fine again. Then I decided to give the nvidia drivers a try and it didn’t work (as soon as I log in the screen goes blank and I go to the login screen again). I logged in the terminal and changed to intel with prime-select, and I couldn’t log in again, so I rebooted. I can login again, but my fans are full speed again !!!! 🙁
I purged nvidia* and everything seems to be fine again … Im using X.org Nouveau drivers. Im not playing around with this anymore, I seriously need this computer working. But if you have questions regarding my setup, just let me know.
I forgot to mention that at some point I also installed skldmcver126.tar_1.bz2, sklgucver61.tar.bz2, bxtdmcver107.tar.bz2 and kbldmcver101.tar.bz2 from intel … not sure if that helps, but one night, very late … I thought it might help and did it.
Good luck everyone. Great computer, but never had so many issues getting my linux to work properly.
4 months ago, i decided to instal the Ubuntu 16.10 in development version with the flag nouveau.modeset=0 in grub configuration.
When the first version of kernel 4.8.0, i decide to configure the graphic’s ppa for nvidia and then i decide to install the nvidia driver 367 and all works fine except the sd-card reader.
In a couple off days i’ll going to do a fresh installation off the 16.10.
I’ll send you a better feedback.
Today, I instaled Linuxmint 18 KDE (based in Ubuntu 16.04) the nvidia drivers works fine (361.42). The kernel is 4.4l.0-43
Is anyone using this laptop with a QHD (2560 x 1440) external screen (mine is a iiyama b2783qsu) ? Ubuntu don’t offer more than 1920×1080 in the display dialog ! I’m currently using the 4.8.2 kernel with NVidia 370.28 drivers. I also tried to go back with the Intel driver but for some reason my computer is freezing just after login, while it was working several weeks ago… So I also tried a 16.10 live USB with the Intel driver but it doesn’t work either and the screen is flickering. I have a dual boot and it’s working with Windows 10. I’m really considering switching to a Mac Book Pro even if it will make me cry 😉
I also tried with Fedora 25 and the latest 4.8 and 4.9 kernel but it’s still not working
in case someone has the same problem than me, here is how I did it:
1. install some tool to read the EDID file from the external monitor : ‘apt install read-edid’
2. do read the EDID : ‘get-edid | parse-edid’
3. find the mode you are interested in, here 0
4. create a new mode : ‘xrandr –newmode “2560x1440_47.43” 241.50 2560 2608 2640 2720 1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync’
5. assign the mode : ‘xrandr –addmode HDMI-1-1 “2560x1440_47.43” ‘
6. use the mode: ‘xrandr –output HDMI-1-1 –mode “2560x1440_47.43” ‘
I have good news. I installed kernel 4.8.0-040800-generic (in ubuntu16.04.1), now my nvidia driver 367.44 and intel driver work fine.
Hello guys. I don’t have the exact same model as you but i do experience exactly the same problems with my Asus ROG G501VW which is the exact same model as the Zenbook Pro but with “gaming” esthetic and without 4K screen and touchscreen.
Since I Bought it, I’ve been so crazy to install anykind of linux in this computer and I’ve achieved some goals but with not satisfying results.
One of the most concerning problems were that the fan speed would go to 100% and for some kind of reason ubuntu would only use the 1st core at 100%. Seems that the 100% use of core has been fixed with latests kernel fixes but the 100% fan speed remains. I’ve tested ubuntu 16.04 and ubuntu 16.10 native installation (not upgrading from previous versions)
It is a pain in the ass to “install” ubuntu with skylake processors and not in any kind user friendly…
First step always is to remove quiet splash — from grub lines for this: nouveau.modeset=0
You may experience low resolution so maybe you can try to set a fixed resolution in line: “set gfxpayload = 1920×1080 ”
After this, install normally. Touchpad, wifi, everything works fine. Even my fans are not screaming while installing.
Once you log in for the first time, you may experience 100% fan speed. In this case, it’s fixed downloading the latest kernel, in my case I decided to go for 4.8.2 – stable.
After this, install Latest Nvidia Drivers and intel. So here is the handycap.
You will be able to run your laptop flawlessly with nvidia drivers installed and using the dedicated graphic card selected in Prime settings. It will even reboot, turn off or hibernate correctly.
BUT… if you want to use the intel HD graphics from the processor, selecting them in Prime settings. At least for me, fans will scream again, the “Plane mode LED” will turn on, and it won’t turn off, restart or hibernate correctly.
So, the bad thing is that with nvidia, you’ll drain your battery faster and it will generate more heat.
Anyway, seems that work in progress is being done and with a little more time we can expect some kind of oficial fix to the Screamer Fans.
If someone has any solution to the screamer fans without using nvidia dedicated graphics card, I think some of us would be very pleased to share your knowledge.
Stay in Touch
I was successfully able to upgrade from Kubuntu 14.04 (kernel 4.4.0-47) to 16.04 using this guide.
During the upgrade through the KDE GUI, I got a hang on “configuring shim-signed” towards the end. I killed the process and ran “sudo dpkg –configure -a” followed by a reboot.
After logging in, I did not get a black screen, but plasma desktop kept crashing before getting to the desktop. ALT+F2 was also not working. I tried removing my previous kde settings and clearing the any kde caches without success.
I upgraded the kernel to 4.8.0-stable and everything started working.
I do not experience any issues with the touchpad nor the fan.
FYI, if you have a white noise when in your headphones :
sudo apt-get install alsa-tools-gui
sudo hdajackretask
– Select both Show unconnected pins and Advanced override in the Options
– Override Pin ID 0x16 Changing Device to: headphones
– Click the Install boot override button
– Reboot
For those of you who are still having issues with the touchpad, I believe that I’ve got this working *almost* properly. By almost I mean that if I disable the touchpad (via Fn-F9), it doesn’t resume working when re-enabled… as long as I leave it enabled, however, it seems to work well indefinitely.
Firstly here’s my Ubuntu version, kernel, and touchpad info:
$ lsb_release -rc
Release: 16.10
Codename: yakkety
$ uname -r
$ xinput list | grep -i touchpad
⎜ ↳ Elan Touchpad id=14 [slave pointer (2)]
Finally, the a one-line update to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf
$ diff -U 5 50-synaptics.conf.orig /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf
— 50-synaptics.conf.orig 2017-01-13 22:04:02.118899473 -0600
+++ /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf 2017-01-13 22:06:03.725141839 -0600
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@
Section “InputClass”
Identifier “touchpad catchall”
Driver “synaptics”
MatchIsTouchpad “on”
+ Option “TapButton1” “1”
# This option is recommend on all Linux systems using evdev, but cannot be
# enabled by default. See the following link for details:
# http://who-t.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-to-ignore-configuration-errors.html
MatchDevicePath “/dev/input/event*”
The post which originally got me here can be found at . Hopefully this will be useful for someone… I certainly spent enough time trying to get it sorted out.
I take it back. The workaround above seemed to work reliably across several reboots, but this morning the touchpad is back to being fully non-responsive. 🙁 So it may or may not help periodically, but definitely isn’t a complete fix.
Kernel 4.10 was released recently and it should fix the touchpad problems. Which it did for me, but now the 960m is not used despite the nvidia drivers and my wifi is not working anymore (both problems did not occur on older kernels). Kind of ridiculous
For what it’s worth, the 4.9.13 kernel (from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.9.13/) seems to be rock solid for me. This includes the touchpad, with the single caveat that if I intentionally disable it (via the Fn-F9 key) it doesn’t come back when I attempt to re-enable it… as long as I leave it enabled all’s well.
The 4.10.1 kernel (from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.10.1/) seems to mostly work, with the exception of the touchpad.
This laptop is a nightmare to me. I could never succeed in booting Ubuntu 16.10 LiveUSB (freezes at the logo), how could you finish the installation so easily?
Debian installer (Stretch) boots perfectly but I could never login to GNOME (freezes after typing password and hitting Enter).
This is a nightmare.
You must install Ubuntu 15.10, then you must upgrade ubuntu
To any who were still having touchpad problems, this custom driver worked perfectly for me: https://github.com/vlasenko/hid-asus-dkms. Now I can actually use this as my linux machine! 😀
Note this is with kernel version 4.9.13-040913-generic on 16.04.
thank you so much.
It works